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Library Procedure Handbook

Processing Fines and Fees

Fines/Fees - Collections Process for Past Due Accounts

  1. After running the LTC Bills and Fines notice in Sierra, be sure to print them out.
  2. For each patron, open the patron record in Sierra; confirm fines/fees are accurate. Keep patron record open.
  3. Open the Lockout-Write-Off Sheet Doc in Microsoft 365.
    1. For those with $30 or more in fines:
      1. Click on the current year’s tab at the bottom of the sheet
      2. Using the first row after the red line (scroll down until it appears):
        1. Add all information to the current year’s sheet
        2. In Sierra, click on Fines in the menu bar at the left and confirm fines
        3. Contact Student Financials (Gwen or Amy) at the beginning of each month to alert the sheet is ready for the pre-collection letters to be sent. They will add the date in the “Date Entered on Account” column.
        4. Should patrons return the materials or pay the fines to the Library within the next 30 days, we can still take the item(s) back and/or accept payment.
          1. Strikethrough the entry on the Lockout-Write-Off sheet; write note in second column such as “mm/dd/yyyy paid in full” or “mm/dd/yyyy items returned”
          2. If payment received:
            1. In Patron record, click on Fines → check box in front of items being paid for → click on Collect Money → enter amount collected → OK → Payment Type  → O Cashier’s Office
              1. In Payment Note, enter “mm/dd/yyyy Collections payment Received” → OK
            2. Delete/withdraw items from the catalog according to Withdrawing Items instructions (don’t forget to delete record from OCLC)
          3. If items returned:
            1. Check in items
            2. Collect any overdue fees
          4. Contact Student Financials (Gwen or Amy) to have the fees removed from the student’s account and be removed from their collections list


        1. Should patrons pay the fines and replacement fees to Student Financials within the next 30 days:
          1. Student Financials will notify Library staff of payment
          2. Strikethrough the entry on the Lockout-Write-Off sheet; write note in second column such as “mm/dd/yyyy paid in full”
          3. Open patron record and make note of the title and barcode of item(s) paid for
          4. In Patron record, click on Fines → check box in front of items being paid for → click on Collect Money → enter amount collected → OK → Payment Type  → O Cashier’s Office
            1. In Payment Note, enter “mm/dd/yyyy Collections payment Received” → OK (items will automatically be checked in and be given a states of “Lost/Paid”
          5. Close Patron record.
          6. Follow instructions to withdraw the items from the catalog using barcode/title noted previously (don’t forget to remove from OCLC)

      1. Once Student Financials submits patrons to collections (approx. 30 days after pre-collection letters have been sent), they will add the date in the second column on the sheet (NOTE: we are unable to collect any money or accept any returns at this point):
        Open patron record in Sierra:
        1. Click on Fines, check box in front of fine, then click on Collect Money
          1. Confirm Amount to Collect matches final bill à OK
          2. Payment Type: choose 0 Cashier’s Office
          3. Payment Note: type in “mm/dd/yyyy-COLLECTIONS-initials” à OK
          4. Edit Patron – Press Ctrl+I to insert a non-MARC field
            1. Change field to m Message
            2. Type in box “mm-dd-yyyy-COLLECTIONS-initials” à OK à Save/CloseàClose
        2. In Sierra, go to the Catalog function
          1. Choose barcode, and type in the item’s barcode number à Search
          2. Suppress item (Item Code 2, type in “n” to suppress)
          3. Change location to lkwd
          4. If status shows anything but $ Lost and Paid, Double-click on Status box and change to $ Lost and Paid – OK à Save à Close
      2. On Lockout List, Move all patrons from the Pre-collection tab to the current academic year calendar
      3. Review Lockout-Write-off List quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct)
        1. Look up each item in Sierra
          1. if still marked as Lost & Paid, Billed, or Missing, follow procedures to withdraw item
          2. Open student’s record in Sierra à Edit
            1. Double-click on Manual Block
            2. Select Billed Withdrawn Item  à OK à Save/Close
    1. For those with fines under $30:
      1. All fines remain on the patron’s Library Account.

Forgiving/Collecting (for lost materials being returned):

​​​​ Function → Check out (Circulation Desk)

  1. Be sure “Print Slip” is checked and change printer to print to a receipt printer following the steps outlined previously on setting up your printer.
  2. Search for Patron:
    1. Scan in barcode from student ID card,
    2. Click on Search button → click on dropdown arrow → Choose a search option
      1. b Barcode (scan student ID barcode) → Search
      2. n Name (type in patron’s last name then first name (no comma) → Search
      3. u Institution ID (type in student ID → Search
    3. Patron information will load

    1. For any fine amount owed, complete the “Library Payment Receipt” form found at each workstation (or in the middle drawer between Janet and Ashley’s desks) and send student to the Student Services desk to pay. Let students know that in order to use a credit card, the amount must be $5 or more.
      1. Do not remove fees from their Library account. (When the slip is returned to the Library, Library staff will remove the amount from the student’s account).
    2. To Forgive fines or lost material fees; check the box in front of those you want to forgive, then click “Waive Charges” button. Leave a note with Student ID# & reason for waiving the fine.

    Click on Fines on left side of screen → all fines will be listed

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