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Lakeshore Library Website: Services & Support

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Library Hours

  • Monday: 7:30-5:30
  • Tuesday: 7:30-5:30
  • Wednesday: 7:30-5:30
  • Thursday: 7:30-5:30
  • Friday: 7:30-3:30
  • Saturday & Sunday: Closed 

Services & Support

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Library Services

library computer lab

The Library contains the largest open computer lab on campus. Computers in the library lab contain a variety of software and program-specific applications.

Computer Lab L110 is the evening open lab available Mondays through Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. until campus closes. There is no evening computer lab hours on Fridays or weekends.

Printing Services

  • Copy/Scanning: Students can scan and send documents to their email and print using their Print Manager account. 
  • Printers: 5 cents per page for black ink and 50 cents per page for color. Students have $10 worth of printing money available at the start of each semester. 
  • Portable scanners: Three portable wand scanners are available for 2-day checkout.

Lakeshore Library offers full library services to students enrolled in distance education classes at Lakeshore College. For students who live within the Lakeshore District, most library material (with the exception of laptops, tablets, and equipment) can be sent inter-campus to our Lakeshore Manitowoc (600 York St. Manitowoc, WI 54220) or Lakeshore Sheboygan (1320 Niagara Avenue, Sheboygan WI, 53081) locations.

Distance students who live outside the Lakeshore District may have library materials mailed to them at no cost. Borrowers are responsible for the cost of mailing items back by due date. Please note: laptops, tablets, and other  equipment must be picked up in person from the Lakeshore Library at the Cleveland, WI, campus; these items must also be returned in person to the Lakeshore Library at the Cleveland, WI, campus.

Additional Services offered to distance students include:

  • Research and reference assistance for coursework via email, chat, or telephone.
  • Remote access to library research databases for doing research at home.
  • Remote access to full-text electronic books and digital media.

Email or call 693-1130 for more information.

Study Rooms

library study room

Five study rooms and two collaboration rooms are located in the Library. They are available on a first come, first-served basis with priority given to current Lakeshore Students. Study rooms can be checked out for two-hours and renewed if no one is waiting. Each room is an enclosed space with a table, chairs, whiteboard, dry-erase markers, headphones, computer, and is printing capable. Collaboration rooms are enclosed and sound resistant. 

Library Policies

Any Lakeshore College student or staff member may borrow materials from the Library. Students and staff must have an active Lakeshore ID# or ID card to check out material. Students must bring their Lakeshore Student ID card to check out library materials and equipment, including laptops. The card holder is responsible for all items checked out on their account. Students must be currently enrolled in at least one Lakeshore course to borrow equipment (laptops, tablets, etc.) or course reserve items.

Community members of the Lakeshore District are welcome to use the resources in the library as long as student, faculty and staff access is not infringed; they are limited to borrowing 5 items at one time. All residents must be over the age of 16 and show proof of identity. Community members are not able to place items on hold, request interlibrary loan, or check out reserve materials including devices and equipment. Community members can access library databases on campus only.

Lakeshore Library follows Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Wisconsin Statutes Section 43.30 and Wisconsin Personal Information Practices Act (Sections 19.62 to 19.80) in protecting the confidentiality of patron records. No personally identifiable information is retained beyond the time period necessary for Library operations.
Responsibility for the return of materials and/or the cost of lost or damaged materials will be charged to the person in whose name the items were checked out.

Materials not renewed or returned by the date due are considered overdue. Patrons with material checked out receive a courtesy notice before the item(s) due date, three overdue notices, and a Final Bill. Items more than one month overdue are considered lost and billed for the replacement amount plus $10.00 service fee per item (for devices, equipment, and reserve items). Once the Final Bill has been sent, patrons owing more than $30.00 will be entered in the Lakeshore Student Billing Pre-Collection process.

Notices are sent to patron’s student email address and to the mailing address on file with the College. Failure to receive a notice does not remove the borrower's obligation to return materials on time or to pay charges incurred.
Most Library materials may be renewed for additional loan period(s) in person, by phone 920.693.1130, or email . Renewals are not permitted on items requested by another person or if the patron has overdue materials and/or outstanding charges.
Lakeshore students and staff may to place a hold on library material (via the library catalog, in person, over the phone, or by email). Requester is notified via their campus email address when the item is ready to be picked up.

Lakeshore Staff members may book future requests for Staff Equipment, E-readers, Tablets, and laptops through the library catalog to ensure material is available when needed. Requester is notified via their campus email address when the item is ready to be picked up.
Lakeshore Library welcomes donated materials that support our collection policy. Upon receipt, all gift materials become the property of Lakeshore Library. The Library reserves the right to determine retention, location, and processing of donated items. Donations that are not added to the collection will follow the deselection process. Please note: Federal laws do not permit the library to make appraisals of donated materials. For donors who wish to have the value of their gift assessed, please obtain an appraisal prior to making the donation.

Lakeshore Library selects, makes available, curates, and evaluates physical and digital materials that support and enrich the programs, curriculum, and learning outcomes of the campus community based on immediate and anticipated information needs. Library staff base licensing and purchasing decisions on the needs of known assignments/courses/ programs, suggestions and input from faculty, staff, and students, and current industry sources.

Guidelines for selection of materials:
  • Relevance to instructional needs of the faculty
  • Relevance to curriculum-based needs of students
  • Probable need based on existing programs and collections
  • Coverage and currency: dates of coverage, update frequency, cumulative or supplements
  • Licensing considerations: limitations and restrictions
  • ADA compliant
  • Appropriate academic level for our user
  • Cost
  • Representation of varying viewpoints

To request a trial of a digital resource or have questions about our collection please email

Selection of materials by the library does not imply endorsement of the contents or the views expressed in those materials. No material will be excluded from the collection because of the race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, political or social viewpoint or controversial nature of either the author or the materials.

Deselection or Cancellation of materials

Lakeshore Library will deselect or discontinue resources that no longer support our collection policy. Physical items that are removed are often offered free to students or disposed of at the discretion of the Library.

Criteria when evaluating material for deselection or cancellation may include:
  • Obsolete, inaccurate, out-of-date (typically older than 10 years), or outside the scope of Lakeshore College programs/curriculum
  • In an obsolete format or in poor physical condition
  • Unable to be retained due to lack of use or space constraints
  • Cost
  • Quality and currency of past use as compared to benchmark set when content was licensed
  • Existence of other alternative sources which match overall objective and mission more closely

eCampus Textbook Policies

Students are responsible for picking up their textbook order within 90 days of delivery. After this date, the items will be considered abandoned and become property of Lakeshore College. Lakeshore maintains no liability to return books for students even if they drop their classes.

Students are responsible for returning their eCampus items to eCampus directly. For eCampus return instructions and policies please visit their website. In the event that an eCampus textbook is returned to the library desk or book drop without identifying information, it will be considered lost property. The library will hold the book for 90 days. If the item is not claimed within 90 days, it will be considered property of Lakeshore College.


Interlibrary Loan

Need access to a resource that we don't have here at the Library? We might be able to borrow it for you from another library! We can borrow books, journal articles, CDs, and DVDs. Interlibrary loan materials generally take 7-10 days to arrive. Articles may arrive sooner. Our interlibrary loan service is available to all current Lakeshore students, faculty, and staff.

Interlibrary Loan Request Form 

Lakeshore College does not discriminate against protected classes, including but not limited to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or gender--including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability or age in employment, admissions, or its programs or activities. To handle inquiries regarding Lakeshore’s nondiscrimination policies, contact the Educational Support Services Manager for students 920.693.1120, or the Executive Director of Human Resources for staff/others 920.693.1139, Lakeshore, 1290 North Avenue, Cleveland, WI 53015. TTY 711 For more information visit