Library Hours
The Library contains the largest open computer lab on campus. Computers in the library lab contain a variety of software and program-specific applications.
Computer Lab L110 is the evening open lab available Mondays through Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. until campus closes. There is no evening computer lab hours on Fridays or weekends.
Lakeshore Library offers full library services to students enrolled in distance education classes at Lakeshore College. For students who live within the Lakeshore District, most library material (with the exception of laptops, tablets, and equipment) can be sent inter-campus to our Lakeshore Manitowoc (600 York St. Manitowoc, WI 54220) or Lakeshore Sheboygan (1320 Niagara Avenue, Sheboygan WI, 53081) locations.
Distance students who live outside the Lakeshore District may have library materials mailed to them at no cost. Borrowers are responsible for the cost of mailing items back by due date. Please note: laptops, tablets, and other equipment must be picked up in person from the Lakeshore Library at the Cleveland, WI, campus; these items must also be returned in person to the Lakeshore Library at the Cleveland, WI, campus.
Additional Services offered to distance students include:
Email or call 693-1130 for more information.
Five study rooms and two collaboration rooms are located in the Library. They are available on a first come, first-served basis with priority given to current Lakeshore Students. Study rooms can be checked out for two-hours and renewed if no one is waiting. Each room is an enclosed space with a table, chairs, whiteboard, dry-erase markers, headphones, computer, and is printing capable. Collaboration rooms are enclosed and sound resistant.
Lakeshore Library selects, makes available, curates, and evaluates physical and digital materials that support and enrich the programs, curriculum, and learning outcomes of the campus community based on immediate and anticipated information needs. Library staff base licensing and purchasing decisions on the needs of known assignments/courses/ programs, suggestions and input from faculty, staff, and students, and current industry sources.
To request a trial of a digital resource or have questions about our collection please email
Selection of materials by the library does not imply endorsement of the contents or the views expressed in those materials. No material will be excluded from the collection because of the race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, political or social viewpoint or controversial nature of either the author or the materials.
Lakeshore Library will deselect or discontinue resources that no longer support our collection policy. Physical items that are removed are often offered free to students or disposed of at the discretion of the Library.
Students are responsible for returning their eCampus items to eCampus directly. For eCampus return instructions and policies please visit their website. In the event that an eCampus textbook is returned to the library desk or book drop without identifying information, it will be considered lost property. The library will hold the book for 90 days. If the item is not claimed within 90 days, it will be considered property of Lakeshore College.
Need access to a resource that we don't have here at the Library? We might be able to borrow it for you from another library! We can borrow books, journal articles, CDs, and DVDs. Interlibrary loan materials generally take 7-10 days to arrive. Articles may arrive sooner. Our interlibrary loan service is available to all current Lakeshore students, faculty, and staff.
Interlibrary Loan Request Form |