There are many openly licensed resources besides textbooks! Check out these pages to find openly licensed videos, simulations, images, fonts, drawing and graphic design tools, video and audio creation, and more.
Search websites for images you can share, use, and remix. Creative Commons allows creators of works to release them into the public domain or license works by placing some restrictions on their use. |
Search Creative Commons licenses photos |
Download, share, and reuse nearly 3 million of the Smithsonian’s 2D and 3D images—right now, without asking. |
Free or open source tools for images, fonts, drawing, graphic design, clip art, video and audio creation, and more. This Google Doc out of Open Oregon keeps growing as people contribute. |
Inspiring thinkers on a range of subjects present big ideas and lectures on a regular basis- completely CC licensed. |
Limit your Google image search to images that that you can reuse. |
Hundreds of short educational videos covering many subjects; especially strong collections in science and math. |
These interactive tools from the University of Colorado at Boulder are mostly CC licensed. |
Create, share, and modify interactive learning content like interactive videos, presentations, games, quizzes and more. H5P is a plugin for existing publishing systems (WordPress, Moodles, Drupal). |
Over 1 million free photos and videos. |
Free images and photos that you can download and use for any project |
Lakeshore College does not discriminate against protected classes, including but not limited to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or gender--including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability or age in employment, admissions, or its programs or activities. To handle inquiries regarding Lakeshore’s nondiscrimination policies, contact the Educational Support Services Manager for students 920.693.1120, or the Executive Director of Human Resources for staff/others 920.693.1139, Lakeshore, 1290 North Avenue, Cleveland, WI 53015. TTY 711 For more information visit